Един завет / Еdin zavet (English / Francais / Русский / Hrvatski )

Edin zavet is an association of the descendants of the Royal Military Officers Corps of the Kingdom of Bulgaria (1878-1944), associated to the Graduates of His Majesty’s Military Schools, of the Reserve Officers School, the patriotic army and townspeople.

Edin savet – Zoglinge der Militarschulen Seiner Majestat, der Schule fur Reserveoffiziere (1878-1944), der patriotischen Streitkrafte und Burgerschaft

Edin zavet est une association des descendants  du corps des Officiers Militaires de la Royaume de Bulgarie (1878-1944)

Един завет – союз потомков болгарского царского офицерского корпуса (1878-1944) Белая гвардия в Болгарии>>

Edin Zavet – Savez pitomaca vojnih skola Njegova velicanstva, skole za pricuvne casnike (1878-1944) i domoljubnog vojnog korpusa i gradanstva  / Bugari i Hrvati>>

2 коментара to “Един завет / Еdin zavet (English / Francais / Русский / Hrvatski )”

  1. Hi,

    My name is Dan, from Romania. I wonder if you can help me with something. I found an old medal/cross that seems to belong to Alexander Joseph of Battenberg. The strange thing is about the princiar cipher/monogram. Is not the usual one.
    I can sent you some sketches of this monogram.


  2. edinzavet Says:

    Hi Dan,
    We’ll be glad to help. Just send the picture to edinzavet@abv.bg

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